We’re here to help you
Pick Yourself Back Up -
You’ve Got This.
Start a new chapter of your life, today.

Drug & Alcohol Addiction Treatment Center
Compassionate, down-to-earth care for people with substance use disorder.

One year after treatment
of our patients report being sober
Expert help for you and your loved ones
We understand that addiction isn’t who you are. It’s what you’re up against—physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. That’s why you will find us right there, at your side, with everything we’ve got:
- Counselors;
- Medical Experts;
- Therapists;
- Spiritual Guides;
- Support Mentors;
- Wellness Coaches.
What we offer
Our Programs
Flexible Treatment Plans
No single treatment course works for every person. We provide the flexibility to create an addiction recovery plan that is right for you.
7+ Days
Often Covered by Insurance
- Mainly limited to detox
- Short time commitment
- Starting point for recovery
30+ Days
Suggested Minimum Duration
- Begins with assessment and treatment plan
- Focuses on withdrawal management and therapy
- Includes customized aftercare plan
60+ Days
Recommended for Long-Term Recovery
- Allows time to cement new skills
- Provides structure and stability
- May include outpatient programming or sober living
- Short time commitment
- Starting point for recovery
Beautiful, Home-Like Facilities
Discreet, serene, and luxuriously comfortable environment for your treatment program.
Tailored Care
Tailored Care
Real People. Real Stories
More than 250 five-star reviews on Google
We’re proud to have helped so many people. 95% of our clients report improvements in their relationships with family members.
Family re-engagement
We accept most major insurances:

“I feel hopeful for the first time in years and feel completely equipped to succeed. Everything was explained so well.”
“My son was battling addiction and that battle was destroying him and us. It is my most sincere belief that only due to the extraordinary skill of the staff at Muir Wood is my family intact today.”
“There isn’t enough space to tell you how Rehab Clinic affected our family. We want to acknowledge everyone. You all did your job very and with a lot of care and patience!”
Resources & Inspiration

Online Store
Browse our online recovery community bookstore. It’s designed expressly for you—with books, gifts and more.

Events & Meetups
Hazelden Betty Ford's events bring people together in healing and hope. See what's coming up and join us soon.

Articles & Resources
Follow your interests and discover new insights via our vast collection of recovery-related blogs.